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SOPPA Compliance: Recommendations and Frequently Asked Questions to Meet the July 1 Implementation Deadline

May 19 @ 9:00 am 10:30 am

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Webinar Request: SOPPA Compliance: Recommendations & Frequently Asked Questions to Meet the July 1 Implementation Deadline

Contact: Maritza Guevara, mguevara@robbins-schwartz.com or Carolyn Riehle, criehle@robbins-schwartz.com


With the July 1, 2021 deadline for compliance with the Student Online Personal Protection Act (“SOPPA”) quickly approaching, school districts should be beginning to implement various processes and procedures, including a process for negotiating written contracts with operators, to comply with the Act. While SOPPA’s contract requirement has been the most notable, and often burdensome, change required under the new SOPPA amendments, school districts should also be aware of SOPPA’s other requirements related to the posting of information on the district’s website, the adoption of a policy designating which school employees are authorized to enter into written agreements, and the development of procedures for responding to and notifying parents of any security breach, destroying and/or transferring covered information from an operator, and affording parents the right to access and request deletion of covered information.

Join us for a webinar from a panel of Robbins Schwartz attorneys, in which we will provide an overview of the new SOPPA requirements and answer some of the most frequently asked questions on these issues. The panel will address questions relating to the National Data Privacy Agreement (“NDPA”) and the Illinois-specific exhibit to comply with SOPPA’s written agreement requirement and will offer strategies for school districts to use these documents in an efficient manner. The panel will also discuss issues such as how to determine what programs, websites, and software are subject to SOPPA, the requirements for posting operator agreements and other information on school district websites, and the implementation of data security measures and safeguards. Finally, the panel will reserve plenty of time to answer specific questions from the audience to help clarify and simplify the SOPPA compliance process.